
Detailed Annual Accounts:

1. Annual Accounts 2012-13

2. Annual Accounts 2013-14

3. Annual Accounts 2014-15

4. Annual Accounts 2015-16

5. Annual Accounts 2016-17

6. Annual Accounts 2017-18


Assist Resettlement & Renaissance – Appeal for Donations

Based on the information provided on this website, we hope you can see the extent of the problems endured by the people from the East & North of Sri Lanka. Please support our efforts and donate generously so that we can contribute in a small way to the enhancement of the lives of these people who are still facing the effect of the war.

You can make donations by standing orders for £1 to any amount per month.  You can also make one off donations. We have already placed money boxes in businesses. Let us try and help these unfortunate people who suffered the most at the end of the war.

Contributions can be made as follows:

1. Donate Now (Can be donated either by PayPal from anywhere in the world or by credit cards in the UK.  Credit card payments are not accepted from other countries.)

In order that we can claim 25% from HMRC, please complete and post the gift aid form given below:

One Off Donation Form (This form applies only for the UK residents.)

2. One off donation can be made by cheque in the name of Assist Resettlement & Renaissance and posted to the following address:

Assist Resettlement & Renaissance
47, Knowle Wood Road, Dorridge, Solihull B93 8JN

In order that we can claim 25% from HMRC, please complete and post the gift aid form given below:

One Off Donation Form (This form applies only for the UK residents)

3. For small monthly contributions, you can either set up a standing order using your internet banking or fill in the form given below and post it to us.

Standing-order-donation-Form-Coop (This form applies only for the UK residents)

Using the form, we can also claim 25% from HMRC.

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