53,125 Free Cataract Surgeries funded by Alaka & Anada Foundations through Assist RR

Since January 2023, Alaka Foundation donated USD 800k and Ananda Foundation contributed another USD 500k. Using this USD 1.3 million (LKR 40.5 Crores) financial support, received from both foundations, Assist RR have funded 53.125 free surgeries Island wide since January 2023 till November 2024. Click here for Hospital wise surgeries in 2023 & 2024. At the Eye unit of Jaffna Teaching Hospital (TH) alone, 19,852 free cataract surgeries were conducted in 2023 and 2024 costing LKR 19.25 Crores. These surgeries were funded through what has proved to be a hugely successful private -public partnership model; private philanthropy reducing vast post-covid waiting lists, responding to needs at a local level in government hospitals all over Sri Lanka using government salaried staff in 37 district hospitals. Assist RR implemented this project in collaboration with the relevant hospital Eye Units.

Importantly, the waiting time in the Northern Province was brought down to zero in November 2024. When Assist RR got involved in 2022, the waiting times in the Northern province were almost 4-5 years. The task of bringing the waiting times to zero was made possible by the generous funding of Alaka and Anada foundations through Assist RR, dedication, determination and leadership of Dr M Malaravan (eye surgeon, Jaffna TH), and uninterrupted supplies of IOLs and consumables by Assist RR to Jaffna TH Eye Unit over the past two years. Assist RR also transported patients from other districts to Jaffna and provided meals to the patients. Eye units of Jaffna TH and Vavuniya DGH organised 3 mass surgery camps (4369 surgeries) in collaboration with Assist RR, who provided all logistical support.

A full report on this project is given in this link – Free Cataract Surgeries Funded by Alaka & Ananda foundations through Assist RR in 2023 & 2024 in Sri Lanka

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Nahuleswary Vasudevan Spectacles Program – Free Spectacles to School Children

Assist Resettlement & Renaissance (Assist RR, UK & SL) has recently embarked on the above project, which is funded by Alaka Foundation, Malaysia, through Assist RR. This project aims to provide free spectacles to school children from Grade 1 to 12, who are identified as having refractive errors. This is currently being piloted in Jaffna District and will be extended to other districts in the northern province. Education and Health departments of Northern Provincial Council (NPC) are coordinating this project in collaboration with the Eye Unit, Teaching Hospital Jaffna and Assist RR (SL).

Preliminary eye screening of school children are being conducted by school teachers and Public Health Inspectors (PHI) under the guidance of Medical Officers of Health (MOH) and Regional Directors of Health Services (RDHS) in collaboration with the Zonal Directors of Education (ZDE). After the preliminary screening, children identified as having refractive issues, are then referred to Jaffna Teaching Hospital Optometricians, who visit schools to carry out further tests. Following these tests, children needing refractive corrections are prescribed with spectacles. These prescriptions are collated by the Optometricians and given to Assist RR, who then purchase the spectacles and distribute them to school children with the support of ZDEs and MOHs. So far, nearly 1000 spectacles have been distributed in Sanganai, Karaveddy and Point Pedro educational zones. Teachers told us that many children do not wear spectacles because they can’t afford to buy them.

This project is much appreciated by the parents, teachers, and education and health officials. We are convinced this will improve the education of children, who otherwise would fail in their education due to refractive issues. Most of these children were not wearing spectacles when they were screened. We are so grateful to founders of Alaka Foundation, Mr Brahmal Vasudevan and Mrs Shanthi Kandiah for funding this project. They both visited us and inaugurated the distribution of spectacles on 11th September at Chulipuram Victoria College.

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39,000 Cataract Surgeries funded by Alaka & Ananda Foundations through Assist RR in Sri Lanka

Alaka and Ananda foundations from Malaysia have been funding free cataract surgeries in Sri Lanka since January 2023. So far, both foundations have funded USD 935,000.00 through Assist RR (SL). Their generosity has enabled 39,202 free eye surgeries (39,033 cataract surgeries and 169 VR surgeries) to be carried out between 01 January 2023 and 21 June 2024. Total cost of these surgeries were around LKR 302 Million (USD 950k). Surgeons and their surgical teams carried out these surgeries on a voluntary basis. No payments were made to the medical or surgical teams. All items needed for the surgeries such as Intra Ocular Lens (IOLs), consumables, meals and transport (when patients were transported from other districts to Jaffna hospital) were funded by Alaka and Ananda foundations through Assist RR (SL). We have covered 35 government hospitals across the whole country. A document is given in this link providing the breakdown of the surgeries funded Islandwide Breakdown of the Surgeries in each Hospital.

When we started this project in 2022, there were thousands of patients who were waiting for these surgeries for more than 4 years due to Covid 19 and Economic crisis in Sri Lanka including northern province. Many of them were blind in both eyes. However, we have now almost eliminated the waiting lists in Jaffna, Mullaithivu and Mannar districts.  In Jaffna district, people were screened in their villages and were brought to Jaffna Teaching Hospital for these surgeries. Currently, we are screening people in the remote villages of Vavuniya district and taking them to Jaffna for surgeries. We are hoping that we can eliminate the waiting lists in the northern province soon. This was made possible because of Dr M Malaravan’s dedicated and selfless services to the people of north and south of Vavuniya. Since January 2024, he and his team have carried out 6839 cataract surgeries till the end of July 2024 at the Jaffna TH. This is a remarkable achievement by Dr Malaravan and his team. He is determined to continue this project by bringing patients from other districts too. Assist RR and Alaka Foundation endeavour to support his determination and help as many people as possible to regain their eye sights.

We are also working with hospitals in the south to reduce the number of patients on their waiting lists (please see the attached document). Alaka foundation have promised another USD 500k to continue this project and have already transferred USD 100k.  We are hoping to fund another 20,000 surgeries within the next 8 months using Alaka’s current funding.  Beneficiaries’ gratitude for retaining their income, independence, dignity and their ability to see and engage with the world around them knows no bounds. We would like to express our sincere gratitude to Alaka and Ananda Foundations for providing these life changing surgeries free of charge and the dedication and tireless services of the surgeons and their support staff in these 35 hospitals.

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23112 Free Cataract Surgeries in Sri Lanka in 2023

Alaka Foundation from Malaysia started funding cataract surgeries in Sri Lanka through Assist RR from January 2023. Alaka Foundation’s funds have allowed Assist RR to fund 7099 surgeries up to May 2023 covering 20 districts.  Buoyed by this success, which has changed the lives of so many for the good, Alaka Foundation have introduced another philanthropist (Ananda Foundation) from Malaysia, who has also come forward to fund more surgeries in Sri Lanka. This philanthropy, implemented by Assist RR, has been offering an unprecedented country-wide solution to prevent avoidable blindness for Sri Lanka’s poorest people – whoever and wherever they be.  

Alaka and Ananda foundations have funded another $400k towards more surgeries since May 2023. In total, Alaka and Ananda foundations have now donated USD 550k (LKR 180 Million) between January and December 2023. This funding enabled 23,112 free surgeries to be carried out in 26 hospitals and helped these 23,112 people to regain their eye sight and to lead independent lives with dignity. These people have no alternative means of saving their sight. Northern Province, looked after mainly by Consultant Eye Surgeon, Dr M Malaravan, benefitted the most from this project (8639 surgeries). 6900 of these 8639 free surgeries were conducted at Jaffna TH and the rest 1741 were carried out in Vavuniya. 3772 patients received free surgeries at Colombo National Eye Hospital through this project. A table of hospitals with the number of beneficiaries is provided in this link: Table of Hospitals and Number of Beneficiaries in 2023 & Map Showing the Hospitals Covered in Sri Lanka

We are hoping for as many again in the year 2024. Their gratitude for retaining their income, independence, dignity and their ability to see and engage with the world around them knows no bounds. We would like to express our sincere gratitude to Alaka and Ananda Foundations for providing these life changing surgeries free of charge and the dedication and tireless services of the surgeons and their support staff. 

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7099 Cataract Surgeries Funded by Alaka Foundation, Malaysia Implemented by Assist RR

In 2022, Assist RR funded 2199 free cataract surgeries using funds raised by Team Solihull (Solihull School Community in the UK). Inspired by Team Solihull’s successful cataract project, a Philanthropist from Malaysia through Alaka Foundation came forward to fund free cataract surgeries in Sri Lanka from January 2023. Alaka Foundation to kick start this project provided $50k to fund free surgeries (Phase 01). Assist RR funded 2045 free surgeries in 10 districts in Sri Lanka.

Although it was estimated that we would fund around 1750 surgeries for the $50k, we finally managed to fund 2045 surgeries for the same amount as part of Phase 01. During the implementation of this project, Alaka Foundation provided another $100k towards Phase 02 of the current cataract surgeries project. Those Alaka Foundation funds have allowed Assist RR to fund another 5054 surgeries (Phases 2) up to May 2023 covering 20 districts (a map is attached).  In total 7099 cataract surgeries have been funded by Alaka Foundation (Phases 01&02). This project, costing LKR 58.5 Million ($161k) at an average cost of LKR 8250.00 per surgery, was implemented and coordinated by Assist RR (UK & SL). A summary of the hospital wise surgeries is given in this link:  http://assistrr.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/Phases-1-2-Summary-310723.pdf

Buoyed by this success, which has changed the lives of so many for the good, Alaka Foundation have introduced another philanthropist (Ananda Foundation) from Malaysia, who has also come forward to fund more surgeries in Sri Lanka. This philanthropy, implemented by Assist RR, is offering an unprecedented country-wide solution to prevent avoidable blindness for Sri Lanka’s poorest people – whoever and wherever they be. Alaka and Ananda foundations have funded another $200k towards more surgeries (Phase 3) since June 2023. 

Jaffna Regional Director of Health Services (RDHS) recently conducted an outreach screening programme in the remote areas of Jaffna district (Vadamarachchi East & Islets off the west coast of Jaffna Peninsula) and identified around 400 cataract patients. Surgeries took place for these patients in April and May at the Jaffna TH by Dr M Malaravan. 

Post pandemic, there are poor people across the country, who are waiting for cataract surgeries, some of whom are in real danger of those cataracts becoming irreversibly blind. Many of these awaiting surgeries are farmers, fishmen, labourers and childminders. Losing or deteriorating sight would mean they won’t be able to provide for their families or contribute to the country’s economy. They are destined to become a burden, not a help. They will also lose their dignity and independence. There are many patients, who have been waiting for up to 5 years and there are many who were blind in both eyes. They are all benefitting and regaining their eye sights as a result of the benevolence of Alaka and Anada Foundations. We would like to express our sincere gratitude to Alaka and Ananda Foundations for providing these life changing surgeries free of charge.

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The Penney Family & Team Solihull’s next ultra-challenge to raise funds for clean Water Wells

An appeal by The Penney Family and Team Solihull to friends and supporters of UK Assist RR & IMHOUK Fundraising Goal of £18,000

Dear friends,

We are taking on our next ultra-challenge in the hope that you will sponsor us. Your support would help us provide constant access to clean, uncontaminated water supplies for families and school children across the Upcountry, North and East.

The Problem

Many of Sri Lanka’s poorest people do not have regular and safe access to uncontaminated running water. This gives rise to a range of health, hygiene and hydration issues, which in turn adversely affect both livelihoods and education. Many children are missing school because of contaminated water illnesses and many teenage girls are missing even more of their education due to inadequate sanitary facilities at school when menstruating. At a time of severe downward economic pressure on Sri Lanka’s most disenfranchised people, the poorest families don’t have the means to cultivate sufficient fruit and vegetables for their own use or to sell surplus yields to generate livelihood income without easy access to running water.

The Solution – Clean Water Wells

IMHO USA, Assist RR UK and Well-Being (Sri Lanka) will work in partnership to raise funds, identify those most in need, implement the building of water wells and deliver on their efficacy.We will also partner with the Agricultural Faculty of Jaffna University to provide the beneficiaries with seed packages and training in optimising the growth of high yield crops for personal and livelihood benefits. A typical shallower dug-out well currently costs about £500 and a deeper tubed borehole well costs approximately £1000. Should individual or family donors sponsor a well in full, we will include a naming plaque and send photos in return.

The HUGE Incentive

The Board of IMHO USA will very generously match everything you donate, up to approx. £18,000 ($20,000). This paves the way for us to double our impact if we can reach our target.

Our pledge & your donations

100% of donations made via the most appropriate link for you below will go directly towards this projectAll we need now is your support to make it happen and we would be forever grateful if you would donate through one of the channels listed here:

Our Ultra-Challenge – the 50km Windsor Challenge

The community of Solihull School has been a long-term supporter of Sri Lanka’s poorest people. Having previously raised funds for numerous education, health care and livelihood projects our team of over 20 staff, pupils and parents, past and present, will take on the 50km Easter Challenge from Windsor Racecourse, looping through the Great Park, Windsor Castle, Runnymede and along the Thames Path on 1st April 2023. We would very much appreciate your support in transforming lives for the better and we look forward to keeping donors up to date with developments.

With very best wishes, The Penney family & Team Solihull

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2199 Cataract Surgeries funded by Team Solihull in Sri Lanka

Mr Mark Penney, Headmaster of Solihull Preparatory School, made an appeal in April 2021 (http://assistrr.org/?p=4334), for providing free cataract surgeries in Sri Lanka. As a result of this appeal, Solihull School Community (Team Solihull) raised £45,270.00 in the UK (including gift aids) through our charity Assist RR. Due to Covid-19, it wasn’t practical to conduct many surgeries in 2021. However, Assist RR have now managed to complete this project, and funded 2199 surgeries in Sri Lanka. Breakdown of these surgeries is given in this link: Team Solihull Cataract Surgeries Summary. Some photos are also attached from these camps. I am sure you can see the smiles and happiness of the patients, who benefitted from this project. None of these patients will ever have the means of reversing this preventable blindness for themselves. In total, we spent £50,038.00 for these 2199 surgeries. Team Solihull raised £45,270.00 and Assist RR contributed £4768.00.

We would like to express our gratitude to Team Solihull and to everyone who donated very generously towards this project. Special thanks should go to Mark & Donna Penney, and their team for walking 53kM for raising this amazing sum of funds. We also would like to thank all the surgeons (14 of them), who volunteered to carry out these 2199 surgeries. Surgeons’ names are given in Team Solihull Cataract Surgeries Summary. We would like to mention Dr M Malaravan, Surgeon, Jaffna Teaching Hospital (TH), who performed 827 surgeries for patients from Jaffna, Vavuniya, Mannar and Mullaithivu at Jaffna TH, Dr N Niroshan, Surgeon at Kalmunai North DGH (600 surgeries), and Dr Waruna Wijayasriwardena, Surgeon at Anurathapura TH (320 surgeries). Patients were taken to Jaffna from Vanni districts by buses organised by Assist RR. Following a request from the director of Colombo National Eye Hospital, Dr A R M Thowfeek, we funded 200 surgeries at the Colombo National Eye Hospital including 50 to the inmates of Welikada prison. 

This is a huge support to the patients in Sri Lanka, as there is lack of medical supplies to the hospitals. Most of the hospitals are relying on donations to perform their routine surgeries. Following the successful completion of this project, a philanthropist from Malaysia has already provided a significant sum of funds for continuing our cataract project. Our sincere gratitude to his family for their continued support to the needy people in Sri Lanka.  We have already received several requests from hospitals for support to carry out cataract surgeries. We will continue with our endeavour to assist vulnerable people with the support of many of you, who have been supporting very generously.  

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